Silk Road Heartbeat – So many answers to prayer!

Jan 11, 2022

Our Dear Friends,

Thank you again for praying with us!

We were saying to each other this week how the nation of Turkey is seeing so many people come to faith, get baptised and gather together in new churches. Attached is our news letter giving just a few examples of how God is working through national believers in ways that the foreigners could never do. All praise to the Lord of the Harvest! And how much is because of your prayers over many years only God knows, and we will one day know when we get to Heaven!

Thank you, also, for your prayers for my (Alison) health. I am slowly and surely getting better. I saw two doctors this past week regarding my lungs, which will apparently take six months to heal, and also the surgeon who did my left hip replacement. Because of being confined to bed when I was ill the muscles surrounding the hip have atrophied and are now weak and painful. I am still walking with a stick. Pray with me to be able to throw this stick away soon please!

Enjoy reading how God is at work in our attached news.
All love and blessing,
George and Alison