This morning I (George) awoke thinking exactly that: PASSING ON THE BATON!
We present to you four sets of people who are running hard for Jesus in places we’ve served but, because of our age and the pandemic, cannot be. All four have incredible faith stories, but today we are highlighting just one. It is sent as an attachment. Will you be so patient as to hear their story and partner with their dreams?
Z-A was going to lose both legs after a near fatal car accident in Turkey. An off-duty doctor walked into her ward as amputation was being discussed. He said, ‘I’ve just come back from the U.S. where I saw an operation to put legs like this back together. Her legs were saved and she evangelises with ‘Beautiful Feet’.
S-K lived on the streets, then studied to be a Muslim cleric and later ended up in prison with a life sentence.Then Jesus found him. He has just married a Bulgarian doctor, S-A and they will be part of the next story, planting a Turkish church inBulgaria’s capital, SOFIA.
A-O was being deported by Turkish immigration back to Mexico City, but he heard the Lord say, “I want you to go to SOFIA”. Now he and his wife are evangelising Turks and forming a fellowship as part of the larger Bulgarian church seen in this photo.
Thank you for your prayers and support.
We are thankful someone passed the baton to us!
GEORGE & ALISONPS – if you would like to support any of these dear brothers and sisters, please let us know and we will let you know the best way!